
Helen Roush 
Paperitalo Publications 

Purchasing Concierge Service 


Time is money. Are you losing too much of it in the search for suppliers of the products and services you need? Worry no more--we have a solution for you.

Paperitalo Publications, LLC introduces the  “Paperitalo Purchasing Concierge Service.” Subscribers to this service can call us any time during normal working hours (9 am – 5p US EST, M - F) for help in finding suppliers. You will talk to a real human being!  We know where to find most suppliers and can look for the ones you need while you concentrate on other important tasks.

If you are searching for suppliers that do specific services or sell specific products, let us help you find them! 

The membership fee for this service is only $500.00 per year. 

By registering for this service, you agree to the Terms & Conditions